How do you graph y=x-2y=x2?

1 Answer
Jan 22, 2016

Method of 'How' to graph is described in Explanation


You asked " "underline("'How")" do you graph.."

This is a strait line graph. In theory you only need to calculate 2 points and draw a line through them. I would suggest that 3 is better. If all 3 line up then you are very likely correct with your calculations. If they do not line up then check you numbers. You have gone wrong some where!

"Chosen values for x -> -3 1 4"
underline("Subtract -2 -2 -2")
"resulting value of y -5 -1 2"

Project the x-values upwards. Project the y-values horizontally. Where they meet is the plotted point. Put a dot there.

Line all the dots up with a ruler and draw your line.

Tony B