How do you graph a decimal on a coordinate graph?

1 Answer
Mar 19, 2018

See below.


First, if we assume that our "decimal" is a real number we are then limited to the x-axis of the xy-plane.

A point on the x_axis is represented by it's distance from the origin (0,0) in a negative or positive direction.

E.g. The decimal 2.4 could be represented by the point (+2.4,0) on the xy-plane. The point x=2.4 on the x-axis.

Thus all real numbers can be represented as points on the real line in in same way.

This question becomes more interesting if we allow our number to to be complex - in the form a+ib: {a,b} in RR

Then our complex number would be represented by the point (a,b) on the complex plane..