How do you find the magnitude and direction angle of the vector v=3(cos60^circi+sin60^circj)?

1 Answer
Feb 8, 2017

||vecv||=3; "the Direction Angle="60^@.


Observe that, vec u=(cos60^@i+sin60^@j) is a Unit Vector,

making an angle of 60^@ with the +ve direction of X-Axis; &,


From this, we can immediately conclude that the magnitude of

vecv=||vecv||=3, and, the Direction Angle theta=60^@.

However, we may formally solve the Problem as follows :-

vec v=3(cos60^@i+sin60^@j)=3{(1/2)i+(sqrt3/2)j}


:. ||vecv||=sqrt{(3/2)^2+((3sqrt3)/2)^2}

=3/2sqrt(1+3)=3/2*2=3 .

Suppose that the Direction Angle of vecv is theta.

Then, /_(vecv, veci)=theta.

rArr vecv.veci=||vecv||||veci||cos theta

Here, vecv=(3/2,(3sqrt3)/2), veci=(1,0)


rArr 3/2=3costheta rArr costheta=1/2

rArr theta=60^@.