How do you find all the real and complex roots and use Descartes Rule of Signs to analyze the zeros of P(x) = x^5 - 4x^4 + 3x^3 + 2x - 6?
1 Answer
First, count the number of sign changes in the polynomial, from term to term.
Using P(ositive) and N(egative), it goes: P N P P N
Thus, the sign changes
This means that there are
To find the negative roots, count the sign changes in
The signs go: N N N N N
The sign never changes so there are no negative roots.
So, we know that there are a possible
However, since complex roots always come in pairs, the
We now know that we only have to try to find the positive roots. The potential roots are
The four imaginary roots are remarkably complex (this is just one):
There is a method to find the roots to a quartic equation, but it is very convoluted.
Check a graph:
graph{x^5 - 4x^4 + 3x^3 + 2x - 6 [-29.71, 28.03, -18.82, 10.05]}