How do you convert #2/3# to a percentage?

1 Answer
Aug 18, 2016

A percent can be written as a fraction with a denominator of 100.

However, 3 is not a factor of 100.

Method 1

#2/3 xx100% = 200/3% = 66 2/3%#

The thirds are a problem because they end up as recurring decimals.

#1/3 # is commonly given as #33 1/3 % or 33.3%#

#2/3" is commonly given as " 66 2/3% or 66.7%#

Method 2

#2/3 xx (33 1/3)/(33 1/3) = (66 2/3)/100 =66 2/3%#

Method 3

Do a division to get a decimal fraction.
#2/3 = 2div 3#

#2 div 3 = 0.66666666.....#

The first 2 decimal places represent hundredths

#0color(red)(.66)666666.... = (color(red)(66).6666666)/100 = color(red)(66).67%#

Hundredths are the same as a percent.