How do you convert 0.005038 into scientific form?

1 Answer
Jul 13, 2015

#0.005038 = 5.038xx10^(-3)#


Scientific notation is a value written in the form:
#color(white)("XXXX")#mantissa #xx 10^("exponent")#
#color(white)("XXXX")#the mantissa is a decimal number with one non-zero digits to the left of the decimal place
#color(white)("XXXX")##color(white)("XXXX")#(except for the actual value #0.0#, of course)
#color(white)("XXXX")#and the exponent is the number of places the decimal point of the mantissa needs to be moved (to the right if the exponent is positive; to the left if negative) to convert the mantissa into its "standard form".