How can I assign relative priorities to the groups or atoms in each of the following: -CH_2OHCH2OH, -CH_3CH3, -HH and -CH_2 CH_2OHCH2CH2OH?

1 Answer
Jun 4, 2015

Step 1: Look at the atoms that are directly attached to the bond.

They are, respectively, "C, C, H"C, C, H, and "C"C

The three "C"C atoms are priority 1, 2, and 3. The lowly "H"H is priority 4.

To decide between the three carbon atoms, we must go to

Step 2: Look at the atoms one bond further out.

We list the atoms in order of decreasing atomic number.

  • In "–CH"_2"OH"–CH2OH, the bonds directly attached to "C"C are "(O,H,H)"(O,H,H).
  • In "–CH"_3–CH3, the bonds directly attached to "C"C are "(H,H,H)"(H,H,H).
  • In "–CH"_2"CH"_2"OH"–CH2CH2OH, the bonds directly attached to "C"C are "(C,H,H)"(C,H,H).

Step 3: Look for the point of first difference in each list.

  • "-CH"_2"OH"-CH2OH is priority 1, because "O"O has the highest atomic number
  • "–CH"_2"CH"_2"OH"–CH2CH2OH is priority 2, because "C"C has a lower atomic number than "C"C
  • "-CH"_3-CH3 is priority 3, because "H"H has the lowest atomic number

The order of decreasing priority is

"-CH"_2"OH" > "–CH"_2"CH"_2"OH" > "-CH"_3> "-H"-CH2OH>–CH2CH2OH>-CH3>-H