Hardy-Weinburg Equlibrium?
If a population that is in Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium has 500 individuals, with allele frequencies for p and q of 0.55 and 0.45, respectively, and 30% of the heterozygotes are killed by a natural disaster, how many heterozygotes are left? Will the population stay in genetic equilibrium?
If a population that is in Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium has 500 individuals, with allele frequencies for p and q of 0.55 and 0.45, respectively, and 30% of the heterozygotes are killed by a natural disaster, how many heterozygotes are left? Will the population stay in genetic equilibrium?
1 Answer
Heterozygotes left:
Genetic Equilibrium: No
p = 0.55p=0.55 q = 0.45q=0.45
To find the heterozygotes of the individual, you have to multiply.
Heterozygotes left:
or the rounded answer...
For genetic equilibrium to occur p and q must equal each other without any factors of mutation, random mating, migration, genetic drift, or for a species to have an infinitely large population.
For this problem, since some of the species died off; No, this species will not stay in genetic equilibrium.