A blue whale was once recorded with a length of 36 yards. How many centimeter long was the whale, if l in is 2.54 cm?

1 Answer
Oct 26, 2016

3291.8 cm3291.8cm


1 " yard " = 36 " inches " 1 yard =36 inches in English unit of length.
1 " inch" = 2.54 cm.1 inch=2.54cm.

Therefore 36" yards"= 36xx36 = 1296 " inches"36 yards=36×36=1296 inches.

And then

1296 " inches" = 1296 xx 2.54 = 3291.84 cm1296 inches=1296×2.54=3291.84cm

3291.84 cm=32.92m3291.84cm=32.92m