Question #a621d

1 Answer
Dec 3, 2017

I am assuming missing parentheses to get f(x) = axe^(bx^2)f(x)=axebx2. Which makes b=-1/18b=118 and a = 7/3sqrtea=73e


f'(x) = ae^(bx^2)(1+2bx^2) = 0 at x^2 = -1/(2b)

So we need x = sqrt(-1/(2b))=3 and so,

b = -1/18

Now we have f(x) = axe^(-x^2/18).

We also want f(x) = 7, so solve

a(3)(e^(-1/2)) = 7 for a = 7/3e^(1/2)