Question #f07f8

1 Answer
Aug 3, 2017

(30!)/(6!(30-6)! ) = 593,775


20% of the students will be evaluated. The order in which the teacher sees them is not important, as long as 6 of them are chosen.

There are 30 choices for the first student, then 29 for the second, then 28 and so on until 6 students are chosen.

The total number of possible groups of 6 is


This can also be written as (30!)/((30-6)!)

(30*29*28*27*26*25cancel(*24*23*22 ...).)/cancel(24*23*22*...)

However within this number of groups, the same groups just in a different order are included, so we need to reduce the number by the number of ways of arranging 6 students which is 6!

The number of different groups of 6 students is:

(30!)/(6!(30-6)! ) = 593,775