If we assume that the definition of the inner product of the normalized vectors hatu_1ˆu1 and hatu_2ˆu2 is 2u_1^2 + u_2^22u21+u22 (these are vector components), how do you use the Gram-Schmidt process to generate orthonormal vectors from vecv_1v1 and vecv_2v2?

vecv_1 = (2,1)v1=(2,1)
vecv_2 = (5,-7)v2=(5,7)

2 Answers
Jul 31, 2017

See below.


Following the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization process, given {vec u_1, vec u_2}{u1,u2} we begin by one of then, for instance vec u_1u1 and define

vec v_1 = (vec u_1)/norm(vec u_1)_qv1=u1u1q

and then

vec v_2 = (vec u_2 - << vec u_2,vec v_1 >>_q vec v_1)/norm( vec u_2 - << vec u_2,vec v_1 >>_q vec v_1)_qv2=u2u2,v1qv1u2u2,v1qv1q

so if

{(vec u_1=(2,1)),(vec u_2=(5,-7)):}

we obtain

{(vec v_1 =(2/3, 1/3) ),(vec v_2 =(sqrt 2/3, -(2 sqrt[2])/3) ):}

NOTE: Here << cdot, cdot >>_q applied to two vectors vec u, vec v gives << vec u, q cdot vec v >> and

norm(vec u)_q = sqrt(<< vec u, q cdot vec u >>) with q a definite positive matrix.

In the present case q = ((2,0),(0,1))

Jul 31, 2017

I did your question from the beginning and got:

hatu_1 = (2/3,1/3)

hatu_2 = (1/(3sqrt2), -4/(3sqrt2))

The Gram-Schmidt process for two vectors first involves orthogonalizing them:

vecu_1 = vecv_1, " "" "" "" "" "" "" "hatu_1 = vecu_1/||vecu_1||

vecu_2 = vecv_2 - "proj"_(vecu_1)vecv_2, " "" "hatu_2 = vecu_2/||vecu_2||

And if you had more than two vectors vecu_i, you would match the subscript of vecu_i with vecv_i, then sequentially subtract the projection of the current vecv_i (highest index i) onto the previous vecu_i's.

You have been given

  • vecv_1 = (2, 1)
  • vecv_2 = (5, -7)

Now, you already have hatu_1. Due to the definition of your inner product, the norm is not the usual definition (difference highlighted in red):

|| vecu ||^2 = << vecu, vecu >> = color(red)(2)u_1u_1 + u_2u_2

=> color(blue)(hatu_1) = ((2", "1))/(sqrt(color(red)(2) xx (2)^2 + 1^2)) = ulcolor(blue)((2/3, 1/3)" "),

which [indeed has a norm of 1 under YOUR inner product definition.](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=sqrt%282+*+%282%2F3%29^2+%2B+%281%2F3%29^2%29)

To proceed, we define the projection of bb(vecv_2) onto bb(vecu_1):

"proj"_(vecu_1)vecv_2 = (<< vecv_2, vecu_1 >>)/(<< vecu_1, vecu_1 >>) vecu_1

How I remember it is that the vector that is projected (mapped), vecv_2, is the only different term in the projection definition.

We continue by finding the inner product of vecv_2 with vecu_1, using YOUR definition, which is again, not quite the dot product of the vectors:

<< vecv_2, vecu_1 >> = color(red)(2)v_(21)u_(11) + v_(22)u_(12)

= color(red)(2) xx 5 cdot 2 + -7 cdot 1

= 13

And the inner product of vecu_1 with itself is the norm squared:

<< vecu_1, vecu_1 >> = ||vecu_1||^2 = 3^2 = 9

As a result, the projection of vecv_2 onto vecu_1 is:

"proj"_(vecu_1)vecv_2 = 13/9 cdot (2, 1)

= (26/9, 13/9)

and so, the vector vecu_2 would be found as:

color(red)(vecu_2) = vecv_2 - "proj"_(vecu_1)vecv_2

= (5, -7) - (26/9, 13/9)

= (45/9, -63/9) - (26/9, 13/9)

= color(red)((19/9, -76/9)" ")

Note that this is NOT normalized yet. The normalization of this is then:

color(blue)(hatu_2) = (vecu_2)/(||vecu_2||)

= ((19/9", "-76/9))/sqrt(color(red)(2) xx (19/9)^2 + (-76/9)^2)

= (19/(19 sqrt2/3 cdot 9)", "-76/(19 sqrt2/3 cdot 9))

= ulcolor(blue)((1/(3sqrt2)", "-4/(3sqrt2))" ")

And indeed this has a magnitude of 1 under this inner product definition.

Lastly, to check whether we are correct, we should see if the inner product of hatu_1 and hatu_2 is 0 (for orthogonality only). We already know these vectors are properly normalized in this particular inner product space.

0 stackrel(?" ")(=) << hatu_1, hatu_2 >>

= color(red)(2) xx 2/3 cdot 1/(3sqrt2) + 1/3 cdot -4/(3sqrt2)

= 4/(9sqrt2) + (-4/(9sqrt2)) = 0 color(blue)(sqrt"")

So, this should be correct! (If you wish, you can check that << hatu_1, hatu_1 >> = << hatu_2, hatu_2 >> = 1, which is again, color(red)(2)u_(11)^2 + u_(12)^2, and color(red)(2)u_(21)^2 + u_(22)^2, respectively.)