Is 22/7227 the same as piπ?

2 Answers
Mar 27, 2017



piπ is roughly 3.1423.142

Writing that as a fraction, we get 3142/100031421000 which subsequently gives 22/7~~3.1422273.142

Mar 27, 2017

They are not equal, but their values are very close.

pi != 22/7, " "pi ~~ 22/7π227, π227


22/7 and pi227andπ are not equal, but we can say that

pi ~~ 22/7" "π227 they are approximately equal.

piπ is an irrational number - it is an infinite, non-recurring decimal.
Its value is 3.141592654.............. There is NO pattern.

22/7 is a fraction which is very close to pi.

However, 22/7 is a rational number which can be written as a recurring decimal . 22/7 = 3.142857bar142857... There IS a pattern.

If pi and 22/7 were equal, their difference would be 0

However: 22/7 - pi = 0.00126448925...

Therefore they are not equal, but,

22/7 = 3 1/7 is very close to pi