Question #38469

1 Answer
May 30, 2017

The amount of surface area in contact with the ground is far less when the man is walking than when he is standing still.


If we calculate pressure as the the force exerted per unit area

color(white)(aaaaaaaaaaaaaa)"Pressure"= ("Force")/("Area")aaaaaaaaaaaaaaPressure=ForceArea

and compare the pressure when walking (only the heel of 1 foot in contact, in this instance) vs. when standing still (both feet are in contact), taking the average weight of the man as 720" N"720 N, then

color(white)(--)"Heel SA: 0.0064 m"^2 and "SA of both feet: 0.0258m"^2Heel SA: 0.0064 m2andSA of both feet: 0.0258m2



color(blue)"when walking"rArr"P"= ("720 N")/("0.0064 m"^2)=112500 N/m^2when walkingP=720 N0.0064 m2=112500Nm2


color(red)"when standing still"rArr"P"= ("720 N")/("0.0258 m"^2) = 27907 N/m^2when standing stillP=720 N0.0258 m2=27907Nm2

we clearly see that the Pressure is "4 x"4 x greater when the person walks as opposed to when he stands still on both legs.