Question #3912f

1 Answer
Oct 4, 2016

Hope these help..


There are several mnemonics which you can use to remember the units.

Km" "Hm" "Dm" "m" "dm" "cm" "mm

King Henry Died a miserable death called measles

Kittens Have Done much damage catching mice

Within the metric system, the units are linked by 10.
Each unit on the left is 10 times bigger than the unit on the right.
When you convert to a bigger unit (by dividing) the number gets smaller

So 10mm = 1cm and 10cm = 1dm and 10dm = 1 metre ... etc

You only really need to know the main ones

1 Km = 1000m" "1m = 100cm " " 1m = 1000mm

In the same way...

1 "tonne" = 1000Kg" "1Kg = 1000g" "1g = 1000mg


1Ml = 1000Kl" " 1Kl = 1000l" "1 litre = 1 ml

Converting with these units just involves moving the decimal point to the left or right, one place for each unit.

for eg

1.234567Km" " = 1234.567m = 1234567mm" "larr distance
1.234567Kg" "= 1234.567g = 1234567mg" "larr mass
1.234567Kl" " = 1234.567l = 1234567ml" "larr capacity
1.234567KHz = 1234.567Hz = 1234567mHz" "larr fequency
1.234567KW " "= 1234.567W = 1234567mW" "larr Power
1.234567KPa = 1234.567Pa = 1234567mPa" "larr pressure

[The exceptions are for area and volume , where the conversion factors are 100 and 1000 respectively for each unit]

Note: 1 Hm^2 = 1 Ha" "larr land and farms are given in Ha

1m^3 = 1 Kl" "1dm^3 = 1litre" "1cm^3 = 1"cc" = 1ml

(these give the conversions between volume (based on length) and capacity)