Question #96976

1 Answer
Mar 8, 2016

xe^xxex is differentiated using the product rule because it is a product of two functions. (The fact that the derivative of e^xex is also e^xex does not change the fact that xe^xxex is a product.)


d/dx [xe^x] != 1*e^xddx[xex]1ex in a way similar to the way that

d/dx [xsinx] != 1*sinxddx[xsinx]1sinx and d/dx [x*x] != 1 * 1ddx[xx]11 and d/dx [5x] != 0*1ddx[5x]01

For differentiable functions f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x), the derivative of the product is

d/dx[f(x)g(x)] = lim_(hrarr0) ([f(x+h)g(x+h)]-[f(x)g(x)])/h

= lim_(hrarr0) ([f(x+h)g(x+h)]- [f(x)g(x+h)] + [f(x)g(x+h)]- [f(x)g(x)])/h

= lim_(hrarr0) ([f(x+h)g(x+h)]- [f(x)g(x+h)])/h + ([f(x)g(x+h)]- [f(x)g(x)])/h

= lim_(hrarr0) (f(x+h)- f(x)]/h g(x+h) + f(x)(g(x+h) - g(x))/h

= lim_(hrarr0) (f(x+h)- f(x)]/h lim_(hrarr0)g(x+h) + lim_(hrarr0)f(x) lim_(hrarr0)(g(x+h) - g(x))/h

= d/dx[f(x)] g(x)+f(x)d/dx[g(x)]

= f'(x)g(x)+f(x)g'(x)

Applied to xe^x

d/dx[xe^x] = d/dx(x) e^x + x d/dx(e^x)

= 1*e^x + x e^x

In the function for this question, we have a quotient f(x) = u/v with

u = 1-xe^x and v = x+e^x.

We'll be using the quotient rule, so we need

u' = 0-[1e^x+xe^x] = -(e^x+xe^x) and v' = 1+e^x

f'(x) = (u'v-uv')/v^2 = (-(e^x+xe^x)(x+e^x) - (1-xe^x)(1+e^x))/(x+e^x)^2

= (-[(e^x+xe^x)(x+e^x) + (1-xe^x)(1+e^x)])/(x+e^x)^2

Expand and simplify to get:

f'(x) = (-[x^2e^x+e^x+e^(2x)+1])/(x+e^x)^2