What is an excited state of scandium?
1 Answer
Well, the ground-state electron configuration of
[Ar] 3d^1 4s^2
We'll assume the
[Ar] 3d^1 4s^color(red)(2) -> barul(|stackrel(" ")(" "[Ar] 3d^1 4s^1 4p^color(red)(1)" ")|) (There are other lower-lying states, but we are ignoring them for simplicity.)
Due to spin-orbit coupling...
(Notice how the
""^3 states have three energy levels.)
...the destination state (a
Assuming we start at the ground-state energy level of
"15 672.58 cm"^(-1)
"15 756.57 cm"^(-1)
"15 881.75 cm"^(-1)
"16 026.62 cm"^(-1)