Black Holes Astrophysics General Relativity Black Holes Questions If the law of physics that determines maximum density of matter is broken during the initial creation of a black hole, then shouldn't all laws of physics be invalidated within the event horizon (Schwarzschild radius) of a black hole? Do black holes defy the laws of physics? When energy (in any of its forms) enters a black-hole, is that energy destroyed or absorbed? What is the chemistry of a black hole? Given the following, what is the tension in the string when the nearest mass is a distance of 686 km from the Black hole? G=6.673×10−11m3kg−1s−2 After the big-bang, tiny black holes may have formed. If one with a mass of 1x1011kg (and a radius of only 1x10−16m) reached Earth, at what distance from your head would its gravitational pull on you match that of the Earth's? How do black holes relate to physics? How do black holes break the laws of physics? What is black hole physics? If black holes are formed during supernovas, how does material get expelled from the supernova? Why is there a super-massive black hole thought to be in the center of each Galaxy? What are the differences between normal black holes and supermassive black holes? If black holes are a considered to be a singularity, how can one be larger than the other? How big are supermassive black holes? Are black holes made of extremely dense matter? What defines the event horizon of a black hole? Question #58c6f Question #3f6e6 What was the first black hole candidate to be discovered? In which constellation was the first black hole detected? What exists between a black hole's event horizon and its singularity? What can be detected within the event horizon a black hole? Could there be a black hole in the middle of our universe? What would happen is a black hole was in the path of a gamma ray burst? Are black holes formed when large stars collapse? Is a black hole dark? General Relativity View all chapters Gravity Waves Black Holes Relativistic Orbits Space-Time Prev Next