A cylindrical metal bar has a volume of 636 cubic inches. The radius of the metal bar is 3 inches. What is the height of the metal bar?

2 Answers
Jun 13, 2017

The volume of a cylinder is the area of the base multiplied by the height of the cylinder.


#V=pi r^2H#
#636=pi 3^2H#


#H=22.5# inches

Jun 13, 2017

#22.49# inches.


A cylinder is practically circles stacked. The amount of circles stacked is the height. So the volume of a cylinder is:

#V = pi*r^2*height#.
So let's find the area of the circle. That is: #A = pi r^2#

#A = 9pi" "# (which is about #28.274#).

To find the height, divide the Volume by the area:

So the height is #636/(9 pi)#.

That is #22.49# inches