What is the structure of a neuron, and how are neural impulses generated?

1 Answer
Jun 6, 2017

A neuron is a cell with a cyton (cell body), an axon and many dendrites. This is the structure of the neuron described generally in various books and this type of neuron is called multipolar neuron.



If the axon is covered with a fatty covering, it is called myelinated neuron and that covering is called myelin sheath. If no such covering is present, then it is a nonmyelinated neuron. The figure above shows myelinated neuron, which has a higher conductivity because of the insulating sheath on it.

Conduction of neural impulse depends upon the following factors:

  1. Concentration of Na+ and K+ ions
  2. Membrane permeability

The conduction takes place through the Na+/K+ pump. 3 Na+ get out of the axon and 1 K+ gets inside in response to a stimulus. This changes the overall ionic balance of the cell and hence generates an action potential.

