#54# is #6%# of what number?

2 Answers

The answer is # 900.#


You just have to do cross multiplication.

If #54 " is " 6%# of a number, then the number represents #100%.#

So you have :

#("Percent" rarr)/("Number"rarr) " " 6/54 = 100/?#

Then, you do : #? =(54xx100)/6#

Therefore, the answer is #900#.

Hope it was clear enough !

May 21, 2017



#color(blue)("Some facts about percentage")#

Percentage is just a fraction. However it is a special fraction in that the bottom number (denominator) is fixed at 100

The symbol #%# is a bit like a unit of measurement but one that is worth #1/100#

Example: #" "30%->30xx%->30xx1/100=30/100#
#color(blue)("Answering your question")#

Note that in multiplying and dividing, cancelling out is the same process as changing values to 1. The reason is that if you multiply or divide by 1 it does not change a value.

Let the unknown value be #x#

Thus we have:

#6%" of "x" "=" "54#

#6/100xx x" "=" "54#

Multiply both sides by #color(red)(100/6)#

#color(green)(6/100color(red)(xx100/6)xx x" "=" "54color(red)(xx100/6))#

#color(green)(6/(color(red)(6)) xx(color(red)(100))/100xx x" "=" "900)#

but #6/6=1 and 100/100=1# giving:


#1xx1xx x=900#
