What is #7 - 25 + 6 -: 2 xx 25#? #color(white)("mmm")# Edited by Tony B:#color(white)(..)#Changed 2 star 25 for multiply to 2 x 25

2 Answers

The answer is #57#.


Let's use the PEMDAS method.

If there are operations with the same priority (multiplication and division or addition and substraction) you calculate them from left to right so:

  1. First we divide #6# by #2#.

  2. Next we multiply the result #3# by #25#

  3. Now we have only addition and substraction so we calculate them from left to right:



Sep 4, 2016



Identify the number of terms first. Reduce each term to a single answer by following the order of operation from strongest to weakest within each term. Brackets must be done first., then

powers and roots, then multiplication and division.

Last addition and subtraction.





It is safer to re-arrange the terms to have all the additions first.
Many errors are made if subtractions are done first.

=#color(teal)(7)+color(red)(75) color(blue)(-25)#
