What is the medula oblongata?

2 Answers
Jul 12, 2014

The medulla oblongata is found in the upper part of the brain stem and holds the pathways of communication between the spinal cord and the various sections of the brain.

The medulla is used to conduct sensory information from one side of the brain to the other, which in turn influences the opposite side of the body.

This part of the brain stem controls the heartbeat and the rhythm of breathing, and regulates the size of blood vessels (major functions).

Minor operations of the medulla oblongata deal with the functions of swallowing, vomiting, coughing, sneezing, and hiccups.



Jun 16, 2017

See below :


Medulla Oblongata is situated between Pons varoli and spinal cord. It conveys the impulses between the upper brain and spinal cord. It has cardiac, respiratory, reflex action, coughing and sneezing centre.enter link description here image here image here