Why was the sharecropping system so hard to overcome?

1 Answer
Dec 4, 2016

People were so caught up in the system that it was nearly impossible to exit.


This is a great question. The sharecropping system went in a circular fashion, so much so that people were caught up in it for life. Take a look at this diagram to see why.


In this diagram, you can see a couple of things:

  • The sharecropper is already giving the landowner half of his crop. He can only sell the other half of the crop.
  • The sharecropper needs to buy all his necessities from the landowner, who usually charged him at sky-high rates. This would have further cut into his cash.
  • The landowner treated the sharecropper unfairly, charging the sharecropper more than he needs to pay. Until the sharecropper pays off this debt, **he needs to keep working, which is why the system is so difficult to overcome. **