Why is change in enthalpy zero for isothermal processes?

1 Answer
Jul 15, 2017

The CHANGE in enthalpy is zero for isothermal processes consisting of ONLY ideal gases.

For ideal gases, enthalpy is a function of only temperature. Isothermal processes are by definition at constant temperature. Thus, in any isothermal process involving only ideal gases, the change in enthalpy is zero.

The following is a proof that this is true.

From the Maxwell Relation for the enthalpy for a reversible process in a thermodynamically-closed system,

dH = TdS + VdP, " "bb((1))

where T, S, V, and P are temperature, entropy, volume, and pressure, respectively.

If we modify (1) by infinitesimally varying the pressure at constant temperature, we get:

((delH)/(delP))_T = T((delS)/(delcolor(red)(P)))_(color(red)(T)) + Vcancel(((delP)/(delP))_T)^(1) " "bb((2))

Now, examine the entropy term, which changes due to the change in pressure at constant temperature.

The Gibbs' free energy is a function of temperature and pressure from its Maxwell Relation for a reversible process in a thermodynamically-closed system:

dG = -SdT + VdP " "bb((3))

Since the Gibbs' free energy (as with any thermodynamic function) is a state function, its cross-derivatives are equal

((delS)/(delP))_T = -((delV)/(delT))_P, " "bb((4)).

Utilizing (4) in (2), we get:

color(green)(bar(|ul(" "((delH)/(delP))_T = -T((delV)/(delT))_P + V" ")|)) " "bb((5))

This relation, which is entirely general, describes the variation of the enthalpy due to a change in pressure in an isothermal process.

The ideality assumption comes in when we use the ideal gas law, bb(PV = nRT).

Thus, V = (nRT)/P, and (5) becomes:

color(blue)(((delH^"id")/(delP))_T) = -T(del)/(delT)[(nRT)/P]_P + (nRT)/P

= -(nRT)/P cancel((d)/(dT)[T]_P)^(1) + (nRT)/P

= color(blue)(0)

Thus, we have shown that for ideal gases at constant temperature, their enthalpy does not change. In other words, we've shown that for ideal gases, the enthalpy is only a function of temperature.