Why is #Delta G# negative for electrolysis reactions?

1 Answer
Jan 28, 2016

#DeltaG^@>0# but after applying a potential #E_(cell)>=2.06V# from an external power source, #DeltaG# becomes negative and the reaction will be spontaneous.


Let us discuss the example of electrolysis of water.

In electrolysis of water, hydrogen and oxygen gases are produced.

The anode and the cathode half-reactions are the following:

Anode: #2H_2O->O_2+4H^(+)+4e^(-)" " "-E^@=-1.23V#

Cathode: #4H_2O+4e^(-)->2H_2+4OH^-" "E^@=-0.83V#

Net reaction: #6H_2O->2H_2+O_2+underbrace(4(H^(+)+OH^-))_(4H_2O)#

#2H_2O->2H_2+O_2" "E_(cell)^@=-2.06V#

A negative cell potential implies non spontaneous process and therefore, #DeltaG^@>0#.

Note that the relationship between #DeltaG^@# and #E^@# is given by:


where, #n# is the number of electrons transferred during redox, which is #n=4# in this case,
and #F=96485C/("mol "e^-)# is Faraday's constant.

Therefore, since #E^@<0# #=>DeltaG^@>0#

Because #DeltaG^@>0#, thus after applying a potential #E_(cell)>=2.06V# from an external power source, #DeltaG# becomes negative and the reaction will be spontaneous.

Note that, #DeltaG=-nFE#

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