Why did colonists object to the Proclamation of 1763?

1 Answer
Apr 10, 2018

The colonists felt the Proclamation of 1763 was a betrayal by the British.


The French and Indian wars started in Pittsburgh and the Ohio Valley. The American colonies claimed the territory as did the French.

The French built a fort at confluence of the Ohio River what is now Pittsburgh. The Colonists under George Washington marched to remove the fort, and build their own fort in the disputed territory.
The result battle was the beginning of a seven year global conflict between the French and the British.

During the war the colonist fought along side the British army. Many settlers families died and their homes destroyed while the men were fighting for the British. The American forces were an important part of the successful invasion and conquest of French Canada.

American colonist felt that their claims and desire to settle in the Ohio Valley was what their were fighting for in the long and painful French and Indian Wars. At the end of the war the British now in control of Canada and the profitable Indian fur trades sided with the Indians against the American colonists.

The Americans felt betrayed. The colonist felt they had fought for control of the Ohio Valley. The Proclamation of 1763 denied the colonist the right to settle in the Ohio Valley. The colonists had fought and bled for the right to settle the Ohio Valley but had that right taken away by the British government for its own profit.