Which hybrid orbitals help explain the bonding in methane, #CH_4#? Chemistry Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom Orbitals, and Probability Patterns 1 Answer Sihan Tawsik Jan 28, 2016 #sp^3# Explanation: #C(6)=1s^2 2s^2 2p_x^1 2p_y^1 2p_z^0# #C^*(6)=1s^2 2s^1 2p_x^1 2p_y^1 2p_z^1# now the 4 hybrid orbitals make 4#sigma# bonds with 4 hydrogen s orbitals and make #CH_4# Answer link Related questions Question #bceb1 Question #95ed8 How do electrons fill orbitals? What are some common mistakes students make with orbitals? What are orbital probability patterns? What is an example of a orbital probability patterns practice problem? How does an atomic orbital differ from a Bohr orbit? Why are orbitals described as probability maps? Why do orbitals have different shapes? What are the number of sub-levels and electrons for the first four principal quantum numbers? See all questions in Orbitals, and Probability Patterns Impact of this question 2103 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License