What’s the difference between a p-orbital of the second shell and a p-orbital of the third shell? Thank you!

1 Answer
Sep 25, 2017

The number of radial nodes, which are spherical nodal shells.

Recall that

  • the principal quantum number nn gives the energy level of the orbital.
  • the angular momentum quantum number ll labels the shape of the orbital (s,p,d,f, . . . s,p,d,f,...).

Well, the total number of nodes (regions where electrons cannot be found) is given by n - 1n1, and the number of angular nodes (nodal planes or conical nodes) is given by ll.

By subtraction, the number of radial nodes (spherical nodal shells) is given by:

overbrace(n - 1)^"Total nodes" = overbrace((n - l - 1))^"Radial nodes" + overbrace(l)^"Angular nodes"

So having an orbital of one higher n increases the number of radial nodes.

bb2p -> n - l - 1

= bb2 - 1 - 1 = ul(bb0 " radial nodes")

bb3p -> n - l - 1

= bb3 - 1 - 1 = ul(bb1 " radial node")

And this can be visually seen:



Circled in green is the 3p's radial node. They still both have one angular node (nodal plane).

This is also seen in radial density distributions:

Graphed from H atom wavefunctions

The radial node shows up at the point where the graph dips down to bb(a_0r^2R_(nl)^2(r) = 0), with r > 0 (but not at r -> oo).

That shows where the orbital wave function goes to zero (here, close to 6a_0), which indicates the distance away from the nucleus where electrons cannot be found.