What is the percent composition of #H_2S#?

1 Answer
Jun 8, 2018

#5.88%, 94.12%# (2d.p.)


percent composition depends on relative atomic mass.

the percentage of component present in a compound is
(relative formula mass of component #div# relative formula mass of compound) #* 100%#

the relative atomic mass of #H# (hydrogen) is #1#
the relative formula mass of #H_2# is #2#.

the relative atomic mass of #S# (sulphur) is #32#.

#2 + 32 = 34#
the compound #H_2S# is known as hydrogen sulphide.

relative formula mass of #H_2# #div# relative formula mass of #H_2S#) #* 100% = 2/34 * 100%#

#= 5.88%# (2d.p.)

relative formula mass of #S# #div# relative formula mass of #H_2S#) #* 100% = 32/34 * 100%#

#= 94.12%# (2d.p.)

hence, the percentage composition of #H_2# and #S# is #5.88%, 94.12%# (2d.p.).