What is the melting point of meso-stilbene dibromide?

1 Answer
Jan 27, 2016

The meso isomer, which has a mirror plane down its vertical symmetry axis, would be the (R,S) stereoisomer, because mirroring the R configuration gives you the S configuration.

So, it looks like either of the above structures.

Based on the following references, I see that the melting point RANGE is close to 241C.

I used Scifinder and found two probable melting point ranges:

  • 239~241C
    Schroth, Werner; Zeitschrift fuer Chemie 1977, V17(2), P56 CAPLUS

  • 236~237C
    Fieser, Louis F.; Journal of Chemical Education 1954, V31, P291-7 CAPLUS
    Yusubov, M. S.; Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya 1991, (4), P868-73 CAPLUS)

And additional references also say about 241C.


https://www.nwmissouri.edu/naturalsciences/sds/0-9/1%202-Dibromo-1%202-diphenylethane.pdf (pg. 3)