What is the log-likelihood function?

1 Answer
Jul 20, 2016

It is a term used to denote applying the maximum likelihood approach along with a log transformation on the equation to simplify the equation.


For example suppose i am given a data set XRn which is basically a bunch of data points and I wanted to determine what the distribution mean is. I would then consider which is the most likely value based on what I know. If I assume the data comes from the normal distribution N(μ,σ2) with μ as the mean and σ2 as the variance then we have f(Xμ,σ2)=ni12πσ2e12σ2(xiμ)2.

If μ is not known then I would try to estimate it by way of maximum likelihood or using the equation I would state


Here the equation is the same but the paramter of interest is μ. To solve we take the derivative, set it equal to 0 and solve for μ so we have.


However before doing so I see that I can apply the natural log before finding the derivative to solve for x and simplify the equation thus ...



so an approximation of μ would be the average of the data or ¯x=1nnixi.

Using MLE we can also find out what the estimated standard deviation is.