What is the LCM of 30 33?
2 Answers
Let's do the prime factorizations of both numbers first:
The LCM will have in it a
Just another way.
Sometimes you can spot them and sometimes you can't. If you cant then it is a case of 'slogging' your way through to an answer.
Multiply 30 by any whole number and the last digit will be 0
For the multiple to be common this means the last digit of
So we could test the first multiple of 33 in which the last digit is 0.
We know that
We also know that 3 multiplied by any number between 1 and 9 does not give 0 as a last digit. So 10 is a good candidate.
All we need to do now is make sure that 30 divides exactly into 330
multiply both sides by 10