What is the gross anatomy of the respiratory system?

1 Answer
Oct 22, 2016

Respiratory system includes several organs which help us to breathe in and breathe out so that oxygen is supplied to the body and carbondioxide is expelled. Exchange of gases take place in alveoli of lungs.



Air flows through the following track once inhaled:

external nostrils rarr nasal cavity/passage rarr internal nostrils/choanae rarr pharynx rarr glottis rarr larynx rarr wind pipe/trachea rarr primary bronchi rarr secondary bronchi rarr tertiary bronchi rarr bronchioles rarr terminal bronchioles rarr respiratory bronchioles rarr alveolar duct rarr alveoli

Same route is followed in reverse direction during exhalation.


Through the lining of alveoli, exchange of gases take place. To know more about lungs and the act of breathing, see this: What are pleural membranes? What role do they play in respiration?.