What is the electron configuration for the f block?

2 Answers
Dec 9, 2016

The f block has the lower level filled, then for valance electrons has 2 s electrons 1 d electron and then up to 14 f electrons filling the 7 f orbitals.

Jul 14, 2017

I finally feel confident enough to post a table of the configurations, along with some detailed rationale for why the configurations are so riddled with 'Aufbau exceptions'.

For reference, the energy scales I will be using are small. For perspective, you can compare the numbers with the first ionization energy of "N"N atom of "14.53 eV"14.53 eV, and the first ionization energy of "H"H atom of "13.61 eV"13.61 eV.

The following graphs are from page 199 - 202199202 of this book by my advisor, as well as Michael Dolg and Kenneth Dyall. All energies here are in hartrees (E_hEh), where 11 E_h = "27.2114 eV"Eh=27.2114 eV.



The order by atomic number is down the first column, and then down the second column. In color(red)("red")red are the 'Aufbau exceptions'.

color(white)([(color(red)(La),(color(red)([Xe] 6s^2 5d^1)),color(black)(Tb),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^9))),(color(red)(Ce),(color(red)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^1 5d^1)),color(black)(Dy),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^10))),(color(black)(Pr),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^3)),color(black)(Ho),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^11))),(color(black)(Nd),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^4)),color(black)(Er),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^12))),(color(black)(Pm),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^5)),color(black)(Tm),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^13))),(color(black)(Sm),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^6)),color(black)(Yb),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^14))),(color(black)(Eu),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^7)),color(black)(Lu),(color(black)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^14 5d^1))),(color(red)(Gd),(color(red)([Xe] 6s^2 4f^7 5d^1)),"","")])

The exceptions can be explained by looking at how the energies of the 6s, 5d, and 4f orbitals vary for the lanthanides.

We can see that the 4f orbitals decrease in energy as we go from left to right, but the 6s and 5d orbitals are consistently within 0.1 E_h (about "2.7 eV") of each other.

The radii of the (n-2)f orbitals are also more contracted, particularly for the lanthanides, making them more core-like in size than even the 5s and 5p orbitals, in addition to the decreasing 4f energies.

The exceptions occur mainly for the earlier lanthanides (La, Ce), where the 4f's are still fairly close in energy to the 5d and 6s.

  • The radial compactness of the 4f orbitals makes it more favorable to fill the 6s and 5d first for La and Ce, to minimize electron repulsion.

  • For Gd, the repulsion that would be generated from pairing a 4f electron would be enough to promote it to a 5d orbital (about 0.6 E_h away, or about "16 eV"), so Gd takes on a f^7 d^1 configuration instead of f^8 d^0.


The order by atomic number is down the first column, and then down the second column. In color(red)("red") are the 'Aufbau exceptions'.

color(white)([(color(red)(Ac),(color(red)([Rn] 7s^2 6d^1)),color(black)(Bk),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^9))),(color(red)(Th),(color(red)([Rn] 7s^2 6d^2)),color(black)(Cf),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^10))),(color(red)(Pa),(color(red)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^2 6d^1)),color(black)(Es),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^11))),(color(red)(U),(color(red)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^3 6d^1)),color(black)(Fm),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^12))),(color(red)(Np),(color(red)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^4 6d^1)),color(black)(Md),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^13))),(color(black)(Pu),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^6)),color(black)(No),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^14))),(color(black)(Am),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^7)),color(black)(Lr),(color(black)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^14 6d^1))),(color(red)(Cm),(color(red)([Rn] 7s^2 5f^7 6d^1)),"","")])

We can again examine the energies (pg. 199):

The energies of the 7s and 6d are likewise very close to each other (within "2.7 eV" as before), but the 5f are at MOST 0.4 E_h, or about 11 "eV" away from the 7s and 6d orbitals.

That makes the energetic degeneracies of the 5f with the 6d and 7s and the compactness of the 5f orbitals even more significant in giving rise to Ac-Np as 'Aufbau exceptions'.

As before, the exceptions occur mainly for the earlier actinides (Ac-Np).

  • For Ac-Th, since the 5f's and 6d's are very similar in energy, it is possible for 6d occupation instead of the 5f. I believe it is because the 5f orbitals are barely bigger than the 6p, 6s, and 5d orbitals for Th that the 5f is about as core-like as them and thus not as accessible to fill... but this is difficult to explain.

You can see the radial extents here (pg. 202):

"Spinor" just means an electronic quantum state (in the Pauli Exclusion sense) with a specific spin (up/down). DHF stands for Dirac-Hartree-Fock.

  • For Pa - Np, whose 6d-5f gap is even smaller than the 5d-4f gap of the lanthanides (but bigger than for Ac-Th), I believe that the repulsions generated from adding a second electron into the 6d orbitals (even without pairing) are still enough that since the 5f orbitals are lower in energy, it is preferable to proceed by filling them instead.

  • And again for Cm, similar to Gd, the electron repulsion that occurs with pairing an 5f electron would be enough to promote it to a 6d orbital (about 0.15 E_h away, or about "4 eV").