What is the difference between ozone depletion and global warming?

2 Answers
Mar 14, 2017

Ozone depletion refers to the thinning and loss of ozone whereas global warming refers to the widespread warming temperatures across the globe.


Ozone depletion refers to the thinning and loss of ozone whereas global warming refers to the widespread warming of average temperatures across the globe.

The ozone layer allows some energy in and some energy out. The ozone protects us from UV-B rays, which can be very harmful (these are the rays that cause skin cancer). With less ozone, more UV-B rays reach earth's surface, harming humans and other animals as well as plants.


The hole in the ozone layer does not presently allow enough UV-B radiation to reach earth to contribute to global warming. However, both global warming and ozone depletion are anthropogenic in nature (caused by humans). See this article, "Is there a connection between the ozone hole and global warming?" for more information.

You can read more about ozone depletion here.

There is layer of Ozone in our atmosphere which protect us from UV radiation from Sun. UV radiation is harmful to human DNA and plant growth.Due to
use of aerosols ozone layer gets thinner and forms a hole.allowing radiation to come down.


Due to p;presence of green house gases like Carbon di oxide, methane, atmospheric temperature goes up slowly.,THe radiation from the Sun comes down and the reflected infra red vrays portion of radiation can not escape ot space as green house gases block them. or absorb them,.![enter image source here] .THus global warming happens.
picture credit koshsland science museum and edu.