What is the arclength of f(x)=x/e^(3x) on x in [1,2]?

1 Answer
Feb 19, 2016

Approximately 1.


The arc length is calculated from the following integral:


which leads us to


I haven't found an analytic expression for the integral. However, when we plot the function f(x) it becomes clear that the function has decayed to very small values.

enter image source here

What is deceiving about this graph is that arc-length is calculated in normal Cartesian space, which implies that the scale of x and y should be equal as in the following version:

enter image source here

This implies that the actual arc length between 1 and 2 will be very close to the distance on the axis. Doing the integration numerically, one gets


which is very close to 1 as expected. A possible refinement would be to approximate the arc length with a straight line between f(1) and f(2) giving the two points

(1, 0.050) and (2, 0.005)
