What is most characteristic of the "Great Compromise" of the Constitution?

1 Answer
Oct 15, 2016

Balancing the needs of two different interests making sure that both groups get something that they want


The small states wanted equal representation with the large states.
The small states wanted to be sure that their interests were not overwhelmed by the power of the large states.

The large states wanted to be sure that their population was fairly represented. The principle of one person one vote would be violated if the smaller population of the small states had the same power as the larger population of the large states.

The Great Compromise gave both sides what they wanted. The Senate gave the small states what they wanted. In the Senate the small states have equal representation. The House of Representatives gave the large states want they wanted. In the House of Representative the representative are assigned according to the population of the state. The large states have a greater number of representatives than the smaller states.

This concept was borrowed from the Iroquois Nation. The federation of Indian tribes of five nations had two large nations and three smaller nations. The Iroquois had two legislative bodies. The one body the council of Chiefs had two chiefs from each tribe. ( similar to the Senate) The other body was based on the long houses. The women in each long house were able to elect one representative for the council of long houses. The Seneca had many more long houses so had more representatives. (similar to the House of Representatives)