The case of a taylor series expanded around #0# is called a Maclaurin series. The general formula for a Maclaurin series is:
To work out a series for our function we can start with a function for #e^x# and then use that to figure out a formula for #e^(-2x)#.
In order to construct the Maclaurin series, we need to figure out the nth derivative of #e^x#. If we take a few derivatives, we can quite quickly see a pattern:
In fact, the nth derivative of #e^x# is just #e^x#. We can plug this into the Maclaurin formula:
Now that we have a taylor series for #e^x#, we can just replace all the #x#'s with #-2x# to get a series for #e^(-2x)#:
which is the series we were looking for.