What is a countable/uncountable noun? I know that you use less for uncountable nouns and fewer for countable nouns, but what are some examples of each?

1 Answer
Mar 25, 2018

See answer below:


This is the difference between countable and uncountable nouns:

  • Countable nouns are, as their name implies, nouns that are able to be counted. They usually have a plural form.
    Examples: cat/cats, suitcase/suitcases, pencil/pencils...

  • Uncountable nouns are nouns that not able to be counted. They usually do not have a plural form, and may be abstract (meaning that they are not tangible - they cannot be felt).
    Examples: rain, earth, wine, peace

Let's try a couple nouns and see if you can identify whether they are countable or uncountable.

  1. Guitar: countable or uncountable?
  2. Computer: countable or uncountable?
  3. Freedom: countable or uncountable?
  4. Shirt: countable or uncountable?
  5. Weather: countable or uncountable?
  6. Water: countable or uncountable?

1, 2, and 4 are countable nouns
3, 5, and 6 are uncountable nouns.