What is a conjugate base and a conjugate acid?

2 Answers
Dec 16, 2015

It's just a relationship between a base and whatever happens to it if you add a proton, or an acid and whatever happens to it if you remove a proton.

Generically, it can written as:

stackrel("acid")(overbrace("HA")) rightleftharpoons "H"^(+) + stackrel("conjugate base")(overbrace("A"^(-)))

stackrel("base")(overbrace("B")) + "H"^(+) rightleftharpoons stackrel("conjugate acid")(overbrace("BH"^(+)))

So, what do you think? Is "NH"_4^(+) the conjugate acid or base of "NH"_3? What does that make "NH"_3?

Can water be both? i.e. Is water amphoteric? Why or why not?

Jan 6, 2016

The conjugate base is the initial acid LESS a proton (-H^+). The conjugate acid is the initial base PLUS a proton (+H^+). YOU MUST CONSERVE MASS AND CHARGE (what do I mean here?).


The conjugate base of water, H_2O, is OH^-, of HCl, Cl^-, of H_2SO_4, HSO_4^-, of HSO_4^-, SO_4^(2-). For each example I have simply removed H^+ from the starting formula and conserved mass and charge in each case.

Likewise the conjugate acid of H_2O, is H_3O^+, of HSO_4^-, H_2SO_4, of NO_3^-, HNO_3.

In each case, I have simply removed OR added a proton (H^+) to give the conjugate base or conjugate acid.

What are the conjugate bases of ammonia, NH_3, and HO^-? These conjugate bases don't exist in water, but they do exist in liquid ammonia.