What if she steps on the opposite side, walking against the motion of the sidewalk, what must be her speed so that she reaches the end of the track in the same time as in part (a)?

(a) is 14 s.
X= +35 m i

A ‘moving sidewalk’ in an airport terminal moves at 1 m/s and is 35 m long. If a woman steps on at one end and walks 1.5 m/s relative to the sidewalk, in the same direction as the movement of sidewalk.

1 Answer
Feb 22, 2017

3.5 ms1


Let her speed be v ms1 as she moves against the motion of sidewalk.
Her relative or effective speed =SpeedSpeed of sidewalk
=v1 ms1

Displacement=350=35 m

Equating to the time taken in (a)
14=DisplacementRelative speed

Solving for v we get
v=3514+1=3.5 ms1

Alternate approach

As time and distance moved in both directions is same. Relative speed in both directions must be same.

Relative speed in positive direction, along the direction of motion of sidewalk=Forward Speed+Speed of sidewalk=1.5+1=2.5 ms1

Relative speed in opposite direction, against the direction of motion of sidewalk=SpeedSpeed of sidewalk=2.5 ms1
Speed v=2.5+1=3.5 ms1