What are the difference between a staggered, eclipsed, gauche and anti-conformation?

1 Answer
Jun 26, 2017

Consider the diagram, which depicts..........



.........which depicts conformational isomers for "n-butane"....

The second line of the illustration gives the Newmann projections, where we look down the C_2-C_3 axis. I say this a lot but such diagrams are NEVER a substitute for molecular models, which you can use in all examinations, but which require both nous and practice in representing their three-dimensional structure on the two-dimensional page.............hence both sawhorse and Newmann projections......

We would predict the eclipsed structure, where the methyl termini are each at 12 o'clock to be the high energy conformer.....


There is a fairly soft energy of interchange between the conformers as shown in the given energy profile.