What are electrons, protons and neutrons?

1 Answer
Dec 30, 2016

All of these are fundamental particles conceived to constitute matter.........


Protons and neutrons are massive particles that are conceived to constitute atomic nuclei. Protons have a unit positive charge, and neutrons are neutral. A strong nuclear force operates at #"nucular"# distances that binds the nuclear particles together, and overcomes electrostatic repulsion.

The number of protons in a nucleus is the atomic number, #Z#, and identfies the element: #Z=1, "hydrogen"#; #Z=2, "helium"#; #Z=3, "lithium"#;.................#Z=23, "vanadium"#;.........................

Electrons are particles of negligible rest mass that are conceived to orbit the atomic nucleus. Sharing of electrons, or their transfer, between nuclei is believed to underly all of chemical bonding, all of chemistry if you like.