The price of a video game is $30.26. If you purchase the video game for $35.60 with a coupon, what percent of the original price did you pay for the game?

1 Answer
Feb 17, 2018



You can easily solve such type of questions by replacing English words with their algebraic equivalents to create the equation. For e.g.:

  • what can be replaced by any variable; let's take 'w'
  • percent can be replaced by #% OR 1/100 OR# x#10^-2#
  • of can be replace by multiplication sign i.e. x
  • helping (auxiliary) verbs such as is/am/are, was/were, will, do/does, did, has/have/had etc. can be replaced with equals to sign i.e. #=#

So, the equation will become:

#w/100*# original price #=#paid for the game