Molten iron is extremely hot, averaging about 1,500 C. The specific heat of iron is 0.46 J/gC. How much heat is released to the atmosphere when 1 kg molten iron cools to room temperature (25 C)?
3 Answers
900 Kj
Since the type of iron is not specified then it is assumed to be 'Cast Iron' which has a melting point of 1204 deg-Celsius*.
The total heat transfer would be ,,,
(Specific Heat of Molten Iron)
(Heat of Fusion of Molten Iron)
(Specific Heat of Iron (s) = 0.46
I got
You can get more context here:
and you can examine the specific heat capacity variations more closely here:
On another note, this
If you simply assume a
There is a HUGE assumption here that iron's specific heat capacity doesn't change from
Since all these phases at
However, the specific heat capacity
The wonky curve is the
alpha -phase, from"298.15 K" up to"700 K" (426.85^@ "C" ), using an average ofC_P ~~ "29.656 J/mol"cdot"K" (at~~ "500 K" ), or"0.531 J/g"cdot"K" .alpha -phase, from"700 K" to"935 K" (661.85^@ "C" ) using an average ofC_P ~~ "40.149 J/mol"cdot"K" (at~~ "816 K" ), or"0.719 J/g"cdot"K" alpha -phase, from"935 K" to"1042 K" (768.85^@ "C" ) using an average ofC_P ~~ "59.442 J/mol"cdot"K" (at~~ "1010 K" ), or"1.064 J/g"cdot"K" alpha -phase, from"1042 K" to"1100 K" (826.85^@ "C" ) using an average ofC_P ~~ "65.743 J/mol"cdot"K" (at~~ "1068 K" ), or"1.177 J/g"cdot"K" alpha -phase, from"1100 K" to"1183.15 K" (910^@ "C" , thealpha->gamma transition temperature) using an average ofC_P ~~ "43.029 J/mol"cdot"K" (at~~ "1150 K" ), or"0.770 J/g"cdot"K" gamma -phase, from"1183.15 K" to"1667.15 K" (1394^@ "C" , thegamma->delta transition temperature) using an average ofC_P ~~ "35.856 J/mol"cdot"K" (at~~ "1420 K" ), or"0.642 J/g"cdot"K" delta -phase, from"1667.15 K" to"1773.15 K" (1500^@ "C" !), using an average ofC_P ~~ "41.764 J/mol"cdot"K" (at~~ "1722 K" ), or"0.748 J/g"cdot"K" .
Aren't you glad we aren't doing phase changes? :-)
So, we would have the heat of cooling as the negative of the heat of heating:
q_"cool" = -(q_1 + . . . + q_7)
= -m(C_(P1)DeltaT_(0->1) + . . . + C_(P7)DeltaT_(6->7))
I'll leave the units out, but you know that they are
= -1000 cdot [0.531(700 - 298.15) + 0.719(935 - 700) + 1.064(1042 - 935) + 1.177(1100 - 1042) + 0.770(1183.15 - 1100) + 0.642(1667.15 - 1183.15) + 0.748(1773.15 - 1667.15)]
Each phase then approximately contributes:
= overbrace(-"628487 J")^(alpha" phase") + overbrace(-"310728 J")^(gamma" phase") + overbrace(-"79288 J")^(delta" phase")
~~ -1.020 xx 10^(6) "J" ,
or about
Thermal history of cooling cast iron
Thermal history of cooling cast iron from