In a large population of high school students, 20% have experienced math anxiety. If you take a random sample of 10 students from this population, what is the probability that exactly two students have experienced math anxiety?

1 Answer
Feb 4, 2017

Probability that exactly two students have experienced math anxiety

#p_((x=2))= 0.3#


Probability of a randomly chose student to have maths anxiety #=20% or 0.2#

Then -
Probability that exactly two students have experienced math anxiety

#p_((x))= _nC_x*p^x*q^(n-x)#
#p_((x=2))= _10C_2* 0.2^2*0.8^(10-2)#
#p_((x=2))= 45* 0.04*0.1678#
#p_((x=2))= 0.3#

Note: Value of #_10 C_2# is calculated from calculator