How to treat stretch bond to calculate its enthalpy and entropy contribution?
1 Answer
For that you'll need to calculate the vibrational partition function, which allows you to get the energy, and then the enthalpy contribution from just vibrations. The entropy comes directly from the vibrational partition function and energy.
Since you apparently want this to be done using only frequencies and a temperature...
Theta_(vib,i) = tildeomega_i/k_B ,k_B = "0.695 cm"^(-1)"/K" ,tildeomega_i = "frequency of that stretching mode in cm"^(-1) .
q_(vib,i) = e^(-Theta_(vib,i)//2T)/(1 - e^(-Theta_(vib,i)//T))
q_(vib) = prod_(i) q_(vib,i) = q_(vib,1)q_(vib,2)cdots
(E-E_0)_(vib)/N = << epsilon >>_(vib) = k_B [Theta_(vib)/(2) + Theta_(vib)/(e^(Theta_(vib)//T) - 1)]
(H-H_0)_(vib)/N = << eta >>_(vib) = << epsilon >>_(vib) + k_BT
S_(vib)/N = << s >>_(vib) = k_B ln q_(vib) + (<< epsilon >>_(vib))/T
Enthalpy units here are in
To check your work, you should get
(The degeneracy doesn't matter unless you want the heat capacities.)
Any partition function is written as
q = sum_(i) g_i e^(-betaepsilon_i) where
g_i is the degeneracy of statei ,epsilon_i is the energy of statei , andbeta = 1//k_BT is a constant.k_B is the Boltzmann constant andT is temperature in"K" .
For vibrational energy states in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator,
q_(vib) = sum_(upsilon) e^(-ℏomega(upsilon + 1/2)//k_BT)
Define the vibrational temperature as
q_(vib) = sum_(upsilon) e^(-(upsilon + 1/2)Theta_(vib)//T)
= e^(-Theta_(vib)//2T)sum_(upsilon) e^(-upsilonTheta_(vib)//T)
= e^(-Theta_(vib)//2T)sum_(upsilon) (e^(-Theta_(vib)//T))^(upsilon)
this has a nice power series solution of
color(blue)(q_(vib) = e^(-Theta_(vib)//2T)/(1 - e^(-Theta_(vib)//T)))
Next, the molecular energy is
color(blue)(<< epsilon >>_(vib)) = -((del ln q_(vib))/(del beta))_V
= k_BT^2((del ln q_(vib))/(del T))_V
= k_BT^2((del ln [e^(-Theta_(vib)//2T)/(1 - e^(-Theta_(vib)//T))])/(del T))_V
= k_BT^2((del(-Theta_(vib)/(2T) - ln(1 - e^(-Theta_(vib)//T))))/(del T))_V
= k_BT^2 [Theta_(vib)/(2T^2) - 1/(1-e^(-Theta_(vib)//T)) cdot -Theta_(vib)/T^2 cdot e^(-Theta_(vib)//T)]
= k_B [Theta_(vib)/(2) + (Theta_(vib)e^(-Theta_(vib)//T))/(1-e^(-Theta_(vib)//T))]
= color(blue)(k_B [Theta_(vib)/(2) + Theta_(vib)/(e^(Theta_(vib)//T) - 1)])
If we want the enthalpy,
C_V/N = ((del << epsilon >> )/(del T))_V
C_V/N + k_B = C_P/N = ((del << epsilon >> )/(del T))_V + k_B
and so, the vibrational molecular enthalpy is:
(H-H_0)_(vib)/N = color(blue)(<< eta >>_(vib))
= int ((del << epsilon >> )/(del T))_V + k_B dT
= color(blue)(<< epsilon >>_(vib) + k_BT)
Finally, if we want the molecular entropy, then since I'm lazy, here is the TOTAL entropy from my homework. An equilibrium distribution of particles in everyday life allows this derivation.
And the vibrational part only is for internal motions. Thus, the vibrational molecular entropy is:
S_(vib)/N = color(blue)(<< s >>_(vib) = k_B ln q_(vib) + (<< epsilon >>_(vib))/T)