How to proof mass moment of inertia formula for a hoop with axis across the diameter?

Moment of inertia of the hoop is given by:
How to proof that?

You may attach a hyperlink or write down the derivation from I=mr^2.


1 Answer
Jul 20, 2017

See the proof below


The volume is =2piRt

The thickness is =t

The radius of the hoop is =R

The density is rho=M/(2piRt)

The moment of inertia is


As the axis is across the diameter

The distance from the differential mass dm is =Rsintheta

dm=rhoRt d theta



Therefore, substituting in the integral, we integrate from 0 to pi and multiply by 2

I=2int_0^piR^2sin^2thetarhoRt d theta

=2R^3rho t int_0^pi sin^2thetad theta

=2R^3 rho t *[theta/2-1/4sin(2theta)]_0^pi

=2R^3 rho t(pi/2)

