How many are between the sun and the center of the Milky Way?

1 Answer
May 5, 2016

If the question is about distance, 2-sd distance is 27 K light years (ly) = #2.5 X 10^17# km.


For conversion # lyto km, 1 ly = 6.29 X 10^4 AU and 1 AU = 1.496 X 10^8 km#

27 k ly = 27000 X 62900 X 149600000 km = #2.5 X 10^17# km

The answer is given in 2-sd only, for parity with the 2-sd data used, 27 K ly. Extra digits might not be that reliable. This is the purpose of increasing unit as ly/parsec/mega parsec/billion ly, for stellar/galaxy/cluster distances.